Pediatric and Adult Therapy

Physical | Occupational | Speech & Language | Behavioral Health

At Milestone Health Partners

Milestone Health Partners logo

We aim to provide comprehensive therapeutic care across the lifespan. We offer physical, occupational, speech & language therapies, and behavioral health services. We believe in a team-based approach utilizing evidence-based treatments to help each patient reach important milestones.

Services We Offer

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy stone with running image

Occuptional Therapy

Occupational therapy stone with hand image

Speech Therapy

Behavioral Health

Behavioral health stone with brain image
Therapist swinging occupational pediatric patient on swing

Our Mission

Our practice strives to encourage and promote a supportive and safe environment for all individuals by providing therapies across the lifespan to reach each new milestone.

Meet The Owners

-Drs. Erickson, Suess, and Kirby

“With a passion for our professions and helping others, we have worked hard to provide a professional and innovative private-practice. As long time locals ourselves, we are committed to caring for OUR community.”

Learn more about our excellent team of therapists and what makes Milestone Health Partners so impactful.


Take A Sneak Peek Inside Milestone